“I Hold the Space for You”

What a gift it is to do that for someone and to have them do it for you.  What exactly does it mean to ‘hold the space’ for someone?

I think of it as a friend who has your back.  They’re holding the high watch over your goals and dreams when maybe you’re feeling like you don’t have the strength to.  They join you in knowing the highest and best for you, listening for your clues as to what that looks like for you.  They listen, they support and they know.

For me, there is a strong element of faith that comes into play when I do this for someone dear.  I don’t need to know the details of the situation: no need for the drama around the request or the story that my friend has created to justify his or her desires…just me knowing the Truth and trusting with a mighty faith that the divine outcome is already at work in my friend’s life.  Simply by uttering the request to ‘hold the space for me’, the energy shifts and the Universe rushes in to grant the desire.

But what if it doesn’t?  What if we ‘hold the space’ and our arms get so tired of holding it that we think ‘this will never happen’?  Would you be willing to consider that the right result really is at hand?  To believe that true, it doesn’t look like we thought it would or events didn’t occur as we’d hoped, but still…we’ve gotten the guidance and the outcome that was right for us.  In those moments I ‘hold the space’ for your acceptance and understanding.

So what is it you are seeking for your life these days?  Who will ‘hold the space’ for you while you follow your own guidance toward the realization of your desires?  Take some time today to consider your top 3 supporters who do this space holding for you naturally.  Thank them for it.  It is an honor to  do this for one another.



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